Eckhardt & Engler.
Deze fabriek was gevestigd in Höhr-Grenzhausen in West Duitsland en is opgericht in 1898 door Ludwig (sommige bronnen vermelden een Peter) Eckhardt en zijn zwager Ernst Johann Engler. Aanvankelijk was het bedrijf een groothandel in stenen bierkannen. Één van de bedrijven die deze voor hun produceerde was 'Roßkopf & Gerz'. Dit bedrijf was gestart in 1901 onder leiding van Alois Jacob Gerz & Karl Wilhelm
Roßkopf. In 1914 verkregen Eckhardt & Engler hun eerste oven en in 1922 kochten zij alle mallen van Gerz Keramik dat failliet was gegaan.
Hoewel Eckhardt & Engler meer bekend is geworden door de bierkannen die zij produceerden, hebben zij ook een verrassende serie vazen met prachtige vormen en glazuren gemaakt tijdens de jaren-50 en -60 totdat zij ophielden met de produktie in 1971.
De belangrijkste ontwerper was: Herbert Reusch.
Na de sluiting werd het bedrijf overgenomen door Goebel (van de Hummel beeldjes).
Roßkopf. In 1914 verkregen Eckhardt & Engler hun eerste oven en in 1922 kochten zij alle mallen van Gerz Keramik dat failliet was gegaan.
Hoewel Eckhardt & Engler meer bekend is geworden door de bierkannen die zij produceerden, hebben zij ook een verrassende serie vazen met prachtige vormen en glazuren gemaakt tijdens de jaren-50 en -60 totdat zij ophielden met de produktie in 1971.
De belangrijkste ontwerper was: Herbert Reusch.
Na de sluiting werd het bedrijf overgenomen door Goebel (van de Hummel beeldjes).
Eckhardt & Engler.
This concern was established in Höhr-Grenzhausen in Western Germany and was founded in 1898 by Ludwig (although some sources name some Peter) Eckhardt and his brother-in-law Ernst Johann Engler. At first it was a Wholesale trade dealing stone beer jugs. One of the concerns to manufacture these for them was Rosskopf & Gerz. This concern had started in 1901 with Jacob Gerz & Karl Wilhelm Rosskopf in charge.In 1914 Eckhardt & Engler obtained their first oven and in 1922 they purchased all moulds of Gerz keramik that had gone bankrupt.
Although Eckhardt & Engler had become more famous because of the beer jugs they produced, they also made a surprising series of vases with splendid shapes and enamels in the 50s and 60s until they discontinued production in 1971.
The most important designer was Herbert Reusch
After the closure the firm was taken over by Goebel (of the well-known Hummel statuettes)
Although Eckhardt & Engler had become more famous because of the beer jugs they produced, they also made a surprising series of vases with splendid shapes and enamels in the 50s and 60s until they discontinued production in 1971.
The most important designer was Herbert Reusch
After the closure the firm was taken over by Goebel (of the well-known Hummel statuettes)
Vaas met vorm nr. 4852/18 / vase with form nr. 4852/18.
Vaas met vorm nr. 2095/20 / vase with form nr. 2095/20.
Papier- en goudfolielabel van Eckhardt & Engler / paper- and goldfoil label from Eckhardt & Engler.
Papier- en goudfolielabel van Eckhardt & Engler / paper- and goldfoil label from Eckhardt & Engler.
Twee vazen met vorm nr. 2016/15 / two vases with form nr. 2016/15.
Omdat ik eerst niet achter de herkomst van deze twee vaasjes kon komen heb ik de foto's op de site van het forum ( geplaatst en gevraagd of iemand me er verder mee kon helpen. Hieronder volgt de reactie:
Because I had not been able to find out about the origin of these two small vases i put the photograph on the website of the forum pottery and glass, asking if anyone could help me out.
Below you will find the reaction:
by Angelo Yesterday at 9:07 pm
Can you help me with an ID for these two small vases.
by lobo Yesterday at 9:21 pm
I'm pretty sure they are Marzi & Remy...have a look here:
by vhornbostel Yesterday at 9:33 pm.
And im pretty sure that it is an E&E piece !
You will find at least 2 copies of M&R 2016/33, traceable 1961, in the M&R thread.
BTW James(lobo), have you ever seen a M&R piece with such a base ?
with marks W-GERMANY ?
by Angelo Yesterday at 10:04 pm
Do you mean that the red one is from Eckhardt & Engler and the other one is from Marzi & Remi?
by vhornbostel
Yesterday at 10:11 pm
Nope, either vase = E&E
2000 range E&E = vases only, already in the 1930s, form numbers were reused,
vases 2016/15,20,25 cm are of 2nd generation.
2000 range M&R = handled vases only, 1956 onwards
M&R 2016/33 is a completely different handled vase.
Because I had not been able to find out about the origin of these two small vases i put the photograph on the website of the forum pottery and glass, asking if anyone could help me out.
Below you will find the reaction:
by Angelo Yesterday at 9:07 pm
Can you help me with an ID for these two small vases.
by lobo Yesterday at 9:21 pm
I'm pretty sure they are Marzi & Remy...have a look here:
by vhornbostel Yesterday at 9:33 pm.
And im pretty sure that it is an E&E piece !
You will find at least 2 copies of M&R 2016/33, traceable 1961, in the M&R thread.
BTW James(lobo), have you ever seen a M&R piece with such a base ?
with marks W-GERMANY ?
by Angelo Yesterday at 10:04 pm
Do you mean that the red one is from Eckhardt & Engler and the other one is from Marzi & Remi?
by vhornbostel
Yesterday at 10:11 pm
Nope, either vase = E&E
2000 range E&E = vases only, already in the 1930s, form numbers were reused,
vases 2016/15,20,25 cm are of 2nd generation.
2000 range M&R = handled vases only, 1956 onwards
M&R 2016/33 is a completely different handled vase.